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Peer-reviewed publications. 

Top-tier research partnerships.

Uncompromising rigor.

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dōTERRA Lavender:
The Gold Standard

Recent peer-reviewed, published studies confirm that dōTERRA Lavender oil is the gold standard for purity, consistency, and potency. 


There is no comparison.

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A Duplicatable
Scientific Strategy

Top-tier research institutions are demonstrating the superiority of dōTERRA’s essential oils and validating their use in clinical settings.

While these first three studies assessed dōTERRA Lavender’s purity, consistency, and potency, we will soon be applying this same research methodology to measure an increasing number of dōTERRA essential oils. Future work from studies 4 and 5 will be shared as it becomes available. 

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dōTERRA Lavender oil is the purest in the market.

Research from the Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis* shows that 2/3rds of lavender oils on the market are contaminated and of inferior quality.


Meanwhile, the study recognizes dōTERRA’s Lavender oil as the highest quality and the gold standard against which all other lavender oils are measured.

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dōTERRA Lavender oil is consistent across multiple batches and over multiple years.

The same study from the Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis reveals that the main chemical compounds found in dōTERRA Lavender were highly consistent over multiple batches and multiple years. 


We have cracked the code to produce high-quality and consistent Lavender oil year-to-year, batch-to-batch.

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dōTERRA Lavender oil is absorbed better than synthetics. 

The foundation for potency is consistency and purity. Because our Lavender oil is consistent across batches year to year and has a high level of purity, our Lavender oil is better absorbed than synthetic counterparts currently on the market. Our consistency also means that you can rely on the same dose every time you use our Lavender oil. 

In a study with Prime Meridian Health and the National Center for Natural Products Research, it was proven that dōTERRA’s lavender essential oil reaches levels in the body nearly twice that of synthetics, demonstrating that our oil is absorbed significantly better than synthetic chemical compounds.

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Trusted by Researchers & Consumers Alike

The consistency of key chemical compounds in doTERRA Lavender oil is similar to the consistency of ingredients in mass-produced, health-related products. That consistency is key to delivering predictable, reliable results important to consumers and researchers alike.

*Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis

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More Revolutionary Research To Come

dōTERRA’s proven purity, consistency, and potency are paving the way for our next phases of research and product innovation.

We look forward to remaining transparent and accountable as we study the purity, consistency, and potency of more and more dōTERRA essential oils each year.

What this Means for You

When you and your loved ones use dōTERRA Lavender oil, you can trust that it is the purest, highest quality lavender oil on the market as backed by science.

Click below to download the dōTERRA Difference Toolkit that highlights our research in easy to share assets.

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